Serving Continental United States & Hawaii

Our Designs Shown By Others

Below are various projects designed by 3DVC: Designs by David, shown by contractors, construction personnel, vendors, and various other parties involved in the construction process of our designed projects. To bring these designs to on-site completion these valued contractors and various services are an important part of the successful completion of our projects. The majority of our projects displayed on these other publications, websites/social media, or advertising, are our preferred team of recommended contractors and/or with our construction support services. When you look at a project or a picture of the overall project, however, you are looking at the experienced creative talents of the project design and planning team, five years later with great contractors you would be the pleased recipient of a well-built project resulting from the contractor’s construction integrity. It is with this combined great collaborated effort that brings you years and years of enjoyment resulting from your project being professionally designed with purpose, function, social flow, and fun, then constructed by builders with all the integrity necessary for years of trouble-free maintenance and repairs.