
Thank you for inquiring about our services. Congratulations! You are on your way to discovering the best way to design, plan, and build your next project.

Please review our site and proceed to the contact page where you will find additional information to better understand your journey from design/development, to construction and completion of your project.  We invite you to provide us with the requested information. This will help us prepare specifics and allow us to more efficiently discuss your project in our initial phone conversation.



Please email or text us to set a phone conference to discuss your scope of work and arrange for an on-site project analysis (PSA).


Telephone: (559) 352-5327

Let’s Meet

If your project site is existing or under construction and at a framing stage, let’s meet on-site.

Review and Retain Services

Please review the proposal and contact us for any further questions, if any. Then, approve the proposal and retain our services.

Construction Support Services

After your project is virtually designed in scale detail, and your plans are developed with clarity, it’s time to have the project bid and built. With our unparalleled construction support services, you have the option of us being with you all along the way.

Proposal for Scope of Work and Services Fee

Our proposal will be sent for your review with the information provided in our initial meeting outlining your project scope of work.

Project Start – 3D Virtual Construction Designs & Plans

In order to assure our clients a more comfortable understanding of the process, we carefully assemble procedures that start with language communication, roles, responsibilities, and rules of engagement. Client expectations are few, but imperative ingredients for the development of our relationship and your successful project completion. We will also provide you with chronological project information to keep you apprised every step of the way. (Please see 3D Virtual Construction Designs on the home page).